Tuesday, November 02, 2004

One Month Ago

I started my job at Phase2 and was not sure I had made the right
choice to move back to Vermillion to take the job. After working a
couple of weeks and getting a feel for the position. I really do
think I made the right decision. I am loving what I am doing. I am
learning new things and the people at phase2 are very help to me in
the learning process. I am working a lot of hours but the time flies
by and it is more a busy work than anything else.

Until next time!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Day 6

Nothing new to report on the homefront. Still waiting to here about
the job in Vermillion. Hope it to be good news. Still have not got
the problem with my schedule straighten out yet, but I am working on
it. Will hopefully know about that deal tomorrow. Again wish me

Have a Good Day

Monday, September 13, 2004

Day 5

I had to call in and use PTO time for work. I woke up
late this morning for some reason and thought might as
well start using the PTO time coming to me. Of course
there was a problem with trying to get it entered into
the system. A problem with my schedule is causing a
problem with how it is entered. I hope they get my
schedule figured out soon. I am also waiting for a
call from Mike about a position he thinks he can get
me in on in Vermillion. It would be nice if that
could come thru for me. Wish me luck!

Take care all!
Until tomorrow

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Day 4

It is day 4 and I am in Vermillion, visiting friends. I love to come
up and see my nephew Mathew. I will be going home soon and get ready
for work at West tomorrow. I think I might try leaving early if

Everyone take care and until tomorrow. Be safe!


Saturday, September 11, 2004

Day 3

It is now day 3 and nothing new to report. I am using my gmail
account to do this posting to see if I have to do any editing like I
did with outlook express. I will cross my fingers.

Have a nice day!


Friday, September 10, 2004

Day 2

Well, I have survived day two and I am glad it is Friday. I still have to work tomorrow but I plan to make it a short day. Until tomorrow!


Thursday, September 09, 2004

If you first don't succeed, try, try again!
Posted by Hello

Day 1

Nothing new today, just my usually lunch appointment with Monte and the guys at Mutual. Studying for my certifications and relaxing at the house. Glad my schedule change went thru at West. I feel so much better now!

Have a Good Day!
