Friday, December 19, 2008

I am finally a home owner!

I have finally took the plunge and bought a house.  The fact that it is in Texas was really a leap of faith for me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home Inspection

Well I had my home inspection yesterday and it did not go the way I thought it would for buying a newly constructed house.  It looks like the builder is addressing some of the issues today but i hope the other issues can be addressed before closing on Friday.  Who thought buying a house would be this difficult!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Weekend not long enough!

I wish the weekend could have been a little bit longer this time.  I am still trying to get over my cold and one more day off would have done the ticket for me.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I am sick!

Well the one cold day we get in Texas knocks me on my butt.  I am trying to get over this cold and it is killing me.  It is hard to believe that the temperature today was over 70 degrees.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I have to work on my memory!

I had a lot to do the last two days back at work and I have to work on keeping track of my task.  It would probbaly help if I could actually enter my task in outlook so I at least get a reminder.  Note to self ' enter tasks into outlook from this day forth'..