Saturday, June 30, 2012


Just took a long nap and I think I am ready for the rest of the day.  I must get productive now!


Almost forgot to pay my mortgage for next month.  That would have not been good!  Nothing like waking up in a panic on Saturday morning, but mortgage is paid now!  Whew!!!!!

Day 47

Okay, I have not been to bed from day 46 but I am getting there!  I had to check FB and check the post for this evening and it never fails, that one post to make you say wow!  If it wasn't for my friends I think I would have taken a long walk off of a short pier.

A laugh followed by a wow!  I am good to go for the weekend!

Friday, June 29, 2012

I live to work!!!!!!!

I keep asking myself why I am still at work and I have no answer!  Now that's scary and funny at the same time!!!



Well as expected, today sucked wind big time!  I worked the whole day and got nothing accomplished!  I was hoping for a post on FB to ride the stress away but nothing so far.  The night is young I can only hope!


Day 46

Well let's see!  All in all the week was so, so!  Wednesday was stressful, Thursday was good until 3:30pm and after that it sucked until I read a post that made me laugh the rest of the evening and Friday, well Friday is just beginning for me and I can only hope that it goes okay without a hitch but who am I kidding!  Let the games begin!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mowing Done!!!!

I was able to get my yard mowed today and it is a good feeling.  Now I need to work on the weeds!  Hopefully sometime this week!

Day 41

I need to get my yard mowed today if possible!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Well my day did not get to the end free of incident.  Not sure why I let these things stress me out!  Change is suppose to be good right?  Why does my cheese keep getting moved!


Day 37

Let's see!  Day 36 ended on a positive note and today seems to be going fine so far!
Salads are good!!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 36

Well I had to work late this evening/morning but it did not take long and I can go to sleep now, I think!

Day 35 was free of incident other than the above activity!  I ask that Friday comes soon!  Thanks

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Finished mowing the yard and killing a wasp nest. Now to call my Papa and wish him a Happy Father's Day!

Day 34

Well day 33 was none productive!  I did not get the yard mowed nor did I manage to eat anything health.  I have been bad about the exercising too!  I must start tomorrow off on a good note and get the yard mowed.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 32

Today was a good day!  I got just about all my task done and no major fires to put out!  It was actually slow at work!  Wished my father a Happy Birthday today!
Now it is time to go home for a while!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 31

Started with an issue that I was able to resolve right away!  Point for me!  So far no major road blocks but the day is young and stupidity is in the air!  I can smell it!



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 30

Day started out major stuckish but has since normalized.  Hoping to the end the week on a positive note!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 28

I am still at work!  Why, why, someone tell me why!!!!!!!!!  I know why I am crazy!  Now it is time to go home!  Goodnight!



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Long Day!!!

This has been a long day but at least I was productive.  I did not get everything done this weekend I wanted but I am satisfied about the things I did get done.

Day 27

I have finished working outside.  Mowing, sweeping, spraying for insects are done.  Now it time to eat and sleep!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Day 26

Let's see, I am back from the Tomato Fest and the Blueberry Fest and now to take a nap!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Homebound At Last!!!!!

I am finally out of here!  Well I have to come back tonight to pick up my drive but that is okay.  This time it should be quick!


Day 25

Let's see, I forgot to take my vitamins this morning but did not forget to exercise.  Well at least I had breakfast!  Most important meal of the day!



Thursday, June 07, 2012


I am starting to get sleep but I need to finish work especially reading!  At least I have my job scheduled for tonight!  Must stay awake!!!!!!!  Ice coffee is not working!  Ugh!



Day 24

Exercise is starting to get easier now.  I think I will start doing my exercise in the morning now instead of the evening.  I feel a lot better before going to work!  "Is it evening yet"!




Saturday, June 02, 2012

Day 19

It has been a while but I am staying the course and resisting the acts of stupidity.  The last two days have been challenging but I held strong and triumphed over it.  Now I need to focus on getting back into shape and improving my mind.  Groovy Man!