Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 76

Blog post from email is definitely working now.  I had to go into my blog and delete the post I had been trying to send all weekend.  I need to figure out what the email address is for the Family Reunion and get the post done!  I will have to work on that today!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 75

Okay, email post to my blog are working now.  Not sure what happened but at least it is resolved!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Almost Done!

Yard is mowed but car is not washed yet.  Not high on my priorities of things to get done today but it would be nice!  I think it is now time to eat!  Food!!!!!!!

Day 74

Well the post from my email appear to have stopped working!  Not quite sure what happened there but this kind of sucks! 
In other news, I have to finish mowing my yard today and possibly get my car washed.  Then I have a date with my TV for the rest of the weekend.  Wow my life is so interesting!!!!!!!!!!

Day 72

It has actually been a slow week at work that has given me time to think about my options in life.  Going home last week was a mind opening experience and has given me a new prospective on things.  I have to stop sitting on the fence!!  I can't wait for things to happen anymore!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 68

I am back from Chicago and all the power is off at my house.  How am I going to watch Leverage tonight!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 67

First day of the Johnson Family Reunion and it is going okay so far.  Tomorrow I must start taking pictures!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 63

Okay, I think I will be winging it for this week!  I need Sunday to get here quick!  I am stressed out! 
Please let me get to Sunday unscathed!
I don't think I am going to make it!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 62

I slept all day today too!  I did get the bathroom cleaned and the counters in the kitchen.  I need to start taking naps during the week so I am not so sleepy on the weekend.  I have to work on getting a life!  Ugh!!!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 61

Slept most of the day today and I am now awake and pondering the actions of this week.  Tomorrow I plan to be more productive and think of a game plan for the up coming week!  I definitely have a lot to think about!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Well, I survived today only slightly scathed!  I have to finish out a couple of laptops tomorrow and possibly a windows server 2008 install.  If I get that last one done tomorrow I will be surprised!

Day 58

I have to keep up my game!  Trying to eat right now!  3 squares a day and balanced meals to boot!  I think I may have to consider setting a goal now!  Thanksgiving Day!  I think I might have let my mouth write a check my butt can't cash!  Oh well!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Movie Night

After all the stress this week I think I will have a movie night this evening!  I just finished two and I think I will do two more!


I just finished the yard and boy am I tired.


Well I slept for 2 hours and now I am awake again.  Must try going back to sleep!  More sleep!!!!!!!!!!

Day 54


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Day 51

Spent the day around the house mostly sleeping.  Woke up in time for the fireworks on CBS which was quite good this year.  Now getting ready to go back to work tomorrow!  It was a strange day all day because I kept think it was the weekend!  I have t take more days off!


Sunday, July 01, 2012

Day 48

Maybe I will try and mow the yard today!  I also have to call my sister and wish her happy birthday.