Sunday, December 06, 2015

Laid back day!

Well lastnight and today I spent watching movies.  I also got some computer work done.  This week I need to focus on getting the rest of my computer work done.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Movie Night

Tonight will be movie night.  Man from U.N.C.L.E and Age of Ultron will be my choices.  Tomorrow I will see what I can find in Kodi.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Kodi wins first place

Lets see, first it was Microsoft Media Center, then VLC and Plex but now there is Kodi. I guess it is probably a combination of XBMC and Plex but I like it.  I can watch TV shows I missed and movies.  I can also get old TV shows from my youth.  It evens runs on my phone.  It is not exactly intuitive or easy to setup but no pain no gain.
I am not dropping Plex since it does give me access to my local contain remotely.  Time to build a new Plex Serverr.  Got to love the internet

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

It is nice to be able to rest and not do anything.  I will try and get out later today but it is raining.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015



Kodi is definitely working for me!  I may never sleep again.  To many things to watch including LiveTV.  I must pace myself!
I have not given up on Plex yet but this program is just starting and already I can do everything I can do with Plex including stream media on my local network.
The guys at Plex should be worried but the configuration of Kodi may be the one thing keeping it from being widely adopted.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Media Server

Today I spent setting up a media server on my laptop.  It did not turn out the way I thought it would which was a good thing.  I have used Plex for a number of years and find that this setup is better in some ways but I still like the way Plex works with stream to different devices, but Kodi has peaked my interest.  Once I have my tuner box setup will be the real test.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


I was able to finish most of my lawn yesterday without the use of my lawn mower.  I have to work on getting my lawn mower working soon!

Monday, September 21, 2015


Today is going to be a interesting day I think!  You never win on Monday!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Went to a Wedding today

Well I went to Bobbie and Justin's wedding yesterday evening and had a good time!  Now it time to watch some tv!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


I had to mow but could not because it will not start.  Why!  Why!  Oh well I was able to get half of my lawn mowed.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015


Well we are having some visitors tomorrow which should make the day very interesting.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

3 Day Weekend

It looks like the only time I get a day off is when everyone else gets a day off.  Here's to having Monday off!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Wedneday "HumpDay"

Wednesday has come and I am not even close to being done.  I have to kick it up a notch!

Tuesday, September 01, 2015


I had to stay late at work again!  The one good thing I don't have to worry about getting something done first thing in the morning

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mouse Cursor No Worky!

In the middle of watching a podcast my mouse cursor stop working.  The scroll button and the left and right click buttons continue to work but the cursor remained frozen on the screen.  After a reboot the cursor would not show all.  I even tried powering it completely down and back on again and still no cursor.  After using the keyboard to navigate to system restore I restored my laptop to before an update done this morning and whoa la it started working again.  Time for a backup! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Good Day

Today was a good day!  I was able to get my phone memory upgrade done as well as get most of my files updated.  I will leave everything else for next week.
Also liking my new ear bud for music listening. Works real well talking on the phone too!  Now I just have to change the voice prompts to English, granted the Chinese does not bother me.

Friday is gone!

So glad Friday is gone.  Welcome Saturday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Off to work again!  Is it Friday yet? Hello! Hello!  Can anyone hear me?  Is this thing on?  Oh well!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Movie Night

Getting ready to watch Vendetta this evening!  Time to make pizza!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Well after another interesting week I have lost my phone and found it, lost my S pen and found it, lost my mind and still looking for it but I did get my dead 5 port switch to work today.  It was down for the count for quite a while now and just before I was going to buy another one I thought what the heck let's plug it in and see what happens and what do you know it worked.  Now to see how long it continues to work.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Upgraded to Windows 10

Well I upgraded to Windows 10 on my work tablet and it seems to be running fine.  Good job Microsoft!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blog is fixed!

I guess I need to check this blog every once in a while.  It was doing a strange redirect to another website due to a calendar gadget being used on my page.  I won't use a gadget like that anymore!

Live and Learn!

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Nexus 7 and Android 5.1 update

It looks like after updating to 5.1 on my Nexus 7 my performance and start up issues have stopped.  I was hoping that was going to be the case and I am glad it became a reality.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day


I just realized it is Valentines Day today!  Not sure why my heart skipped a beat from shock since I don't have a Valentines!
I can't imagine what the guys that do have a Valentines are feeling now!

Good Luck Guys!!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015


My new fitness band displayed a message that was good but not one of the memory of messages it display!  I got a message that just said Smile :) !  I thought it was a text message but no test message on my phone.  I will have to check the forums to see if anyone else reported this issue!

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Front yard work

Well with the help of my neighbors I was able to clear out the dead trees and bush in my front yard!  It looks totally different now!  Like it was when I first moved into my place.  Now the pile of stuff I have to burn is the size of a small apartment.  I will have to get that done later.  This guy is tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Patriots Win!!!!!!

It almost didn't happen!

Spoke to soon maybe!

Patriots scores! 

Not Looking Good for the Patroits!

Brady throws an interception and looks a little dazed now!  Uh Oh!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Superbowl is Tomorrow

I am thinking pizza and chips for tomorrow's event!  I must go to the store soon!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Exercise Band

Well it has been a week since I started wearing my exercise band and maybe I can get motivated to actually exercise.

Baby Steps!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Nexus 7 running funny!

I'm not pointing fingers but after my upgrade to Lollipop my Nexus 7 is not working the way it use too!  I am trying to hold out hoping that it will stop working crappie but I maybe looking at a reset!

Ugh the madness!!!!!!

Jeffery Johnson

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I'm Calling it!!!!!

I could be going out on a limb but I think the Pats got this one!  The Patriots and the Seahawks in the Superbowl!

Patriots Maybe!

Patriots leading 38 - 7 against the Colts but it is just 3rd Q and the Seahawks just cameback against the Packers a couple of hours ago.  I wish I could call it but it is looking good for the Patriots!


This is going to be interesting!  The Seahawks beat the Packers after the Packers were ahead 19 - 7.


Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh Oh!!!

Looks like the Packers may lose to a team that threw 4 interceptions.  The Bears may have a chance this year!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I have been Lollipopped!!!!

I finally received my update to Lollipop on my Nexus 7!  It only took 3 month to get the update on a flagship Google product!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I am getting sleepy but sill need to do my Spanish and IT reviews.

No Bueno!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dang it! Broncos lose to the Colts

Well next week I will be going with the Packers and the Colts for the Championship games.

If the Packers win and go to the Superbowl the Bears are going to have and step up their game for next year!


Not Looking Good for the Broncos

It does not look like the Broncos are going to pull it off!  I am 2 for 2 on the wrong side of win/lose column.

Come on Broncos you can do it!


The Cowboys lost today!

Well the Cowboys lost today so it is up to the Broncos to bring it home for me!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Football Weekend

Well the Patriots won today so all I need is for the Cowboys and the Broncos to win Sunday and I will be good!

I wish I could be going with the Bears in the playoffs but hopefully next year!

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Deal Missed!!!!

I missed getting a black and white laser printer at Bestbuy for 50 bucks!  I think I am going to be ill!  Oh well, such as life!  I need to focus now!

Dang it the light just went out in my bedroom!  Time to go to sleep!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

95 percent done with one room

I have the tv mounted and all I need to get up is a shelf for the accessories!  Now do I buy it or make it from scratch!  I don't know!

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Tomorrow Evening Maybe!

I almost had the tv mounted but ran into an issue with the drill.  Did not know the new drill would need 16 hours to charge before use and old drill need to be cleaned with stuff I do not have in the house right now.  Maybe if I go to the store this evening I can get it done but not likely!

At least I have the holes marked so all I have to do is drill.  Stud finders are not as accurate as they claim to be for find where the stud ends and begins in the wall.  That reminds me I need to get putty for the walls.  They are tiny holes and only noticeable when you are 2 feet from the wall.  Could have been worse!


Kind of rested

I almost got my tv mounted today but maybe tomorrow!  I was able to test out the new bluetooth headset I bought several days ago and they work great!  I will be using them when I am outside mowing the yard!  Hopefully not anytime soon!

Saturday, January 03, 2015


Shelves and dresser cleaned off in my bedroom (check)
Bookshelf in the livingroom cleaned off and most of the movies stored away! (check)
Guest bedroom uncluttered! (check) 
Now I just have the attic, kitchen and dining room to tackle.
I can do this!!!!!!

Thursday, January 01, 2015

What to do, what to do!!!!!!!!

I can watch the 5th season of White Collar or go to a movie.  Maybe I can do both but I should pace myself.  A little White Collar and then a movie!  Now what to go see at the movies?  To many decisions!!!!!!!!

Happy New Years