Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mouse Cursor No Worky!

In the middle of watching a podcast my mouse cursor stop working.  The scroll button and the left and right click buttons continue to work but the cursor remained frozen on the screen.  After a reboot the cursor would not show all.  I even tried powering it completely down and back on again and still no cursor.  After using the keyboard to navigate to system restore I restored my laptop to before an update done this morning and whoa la it started working again.  Time for a backup! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Good Day

Today was a good day!  I was able to get my phone memory upgrade done as well as get most of my files updated.  I will leave everything else for next week.
Also liking my new ear bud for music listening. Works real well talking on the phone too!  Now I just have to change the voice prompts to English, granted the Chinese does not bother me.

Friday is gone!

So glad Friday is gone.  Welcome Saturday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Off to work again!  Is it Friday yet? Hello! Hello!  Can anyone hear me?  Is this thing on?  Oh well!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Movie Night

Getting ready to watch Vendetta this evening!  Time to make pizza!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Well after another interesting week I have lost my phone and found it, lost my S pen and found it, lost my mind and still looking for it but I did get my dead 5 port switch to work today.  It was down for the count for quite a while now and just before I was going to buy another one I thought what the heck let's plug it in and see what happens and what do you know it worked.  Now to see how long it continues to work.