Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Crazy morning!

I had to do a lot of text messaging this morning.  Way more than usual, but dad has to get a job and it was mostly work related.  I hope to at least hear something soon.  I think I have a 11am video chat but not sure.  I need to get stuff done today for the server, since it was a long day yesterday.

Happy Wednesday 🙂!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Strange Day!

Today has been one for the record books.  I had both of my toilet's go out at the same time.  I have spent this morning going through youtube videos trying to figure out what the issue is and it looks like it just a problem with the floater valve.  Both need to be replaced so I have to make a trip to the store in a bit to get the equipment needed to fix them.  My Monday is more or less in the tubes no pun intended, lol!  I will have to hit the ground running tomorrow.  A lot to do this week.

Happy Monday 🙂

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday Yea!!!!!!

Well, it is Friday, and I am ready for it.  Looks like I will be working on server stuff over the weekend but also taking time to reset and relax.  downloaded a lot of iso's for my proxmox setup so this should be interesting.  Found some instructions on getting my printer setup on the server I woulld like to try and then I would like to play with Rustdesk and see if I can start using it from my house for stuff in the house.  I would also like to get KASM done in the next couple of days.  Friday morning was a shourt day for me for online videos, just 3 hours.  It was kind of weird but I will take it.  Hopefully I can get a lot of stuff done today.  I am kind of sleep and cold for some reason.  I need to crank the heat up a little here in a bit.

Happy Friday 🙂

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Monday!

Well, it is Monday again and I am still unemployed, ugh!  I spent 2 hours today filling out 2 applications for employment.  I am hoping that I get a response soon.  I had a lot of live online tech videos this morning which is usual for Monday.  I was hoping to get Wazuh installed on the server today, but I might have to put it off until tomorrow.  I want to watch a couple more videos today and get a little reading done.  Also have to go to the store before the big storm tomorrow.  I am hoping to get the homelab on the r610 done this week.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Turn on Proxmox server

Finally, i get to turn on the Proxmox server tomorrow.  Not sure whether to run it 24/7 due to power requirements.  I think as long as the heat is running, I will have to power it off in the evening.  I am definitely not going to be able to run a lot of containers on it because that will be a pain in the tuskus having to turn all those containers off every night.  I will have to check on the power settings to see if I can get it under 60 watts.  Right now it is running at 100 watts so cutting it down to 60 maybe a stretch lol.  I might have to invest in a core i7 6 gen or higher in a mini pc form factor.  Those can get down to at least 40 watts and I should be able to run Proxmox with a Wazuh, Kali, Parrot, windows server 2022, windows10, windows 7 and windows2000 for some red team/blue team practice.  Why does everything have to cost money I don't have right now lol!

Oh well

Happy Thursday 🙂

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Well, I have 2 more days before I can turn my server back on.  I used a little to much power this month and had to turn everything off at the half way point.  My mini server I left on but the r610 I had to turn off and unplug.  I do have a lot of stuff on my mini server that is a core i3 with 16 gigs of ram.  I removed one of my services (homechart) yesterday due to it not being free.  I got rustdesk and homebox installed and running in containers recently.  I like running these services in containers due to the tiniest of resources they use.

Ubuntu Core 22.04


Plus I am running 
AdGuard Home

It runs at around 30% ram and 10% cpu on average.  I love it

Happy Tuesday 🙂

Thursday, February 06, 2025

I am done!!!!!!

It is time to take the gloves off, I think.  I spent the last day on and off trying to troubleshoot an issue withstanding a rustdesk server up.  I thought this should be simple; I was using a docker instance and all that was required was copying the setup code to a yaml file and running it.  Well, this is the second time I have got burned copying code off the actual website for the software and have it be wrong.  Oh well, it was definitely a learning experience to say the least.  Now I just have to fix homechart and I will be done.  Linux is not an easy os to migrate to for a seasoned user let alone a novice one.  I have learned that I need to operate on the concept that installing software comes with a risk of it not working without tweaking it.
Now I have to stand up a Linux box possibly running linuxmint and work with it for a couple of months to see if I can operate just in the gui for maintaining it.  October is just around the corner, and I probably have a lot of relatives and friend still using windows10 on windows11 unsupported hardware.  They will not want to buy a windows11 pc which means they will be targets for threat actors towards the end of this year.  They may have the possibility of using the $30 dollar option Microsoft has for continuing the windows10 update for an additional year.


Happy Thursday 🙂