Sunday, February 28, 2016

Do over!

Well a couple of days ago I lost my printer access when my print server went down hard.  I was using Server 2012 on borrowed time and it was past due so I could not go with it again.  I had to be good and not install a illegal version of windows but I need an os that I can print to from my laptop and computers in my house.

In comes Linux and after 2 days with the help of Google print I have a printer I can print to from any device that Google chrome.  That means my phones and tablets.  Very , very nice!

Now I need to get file share setup on this box and I will be good.  I need to learn Linux and now I have my chance.  I also need to learn Spanish but that is another hurdle to clear.

I am really liking Google print.  Again very nice!

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