Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dropbox bad, Mega good so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well the other day I got a message from Dropbox that my 48 gigs of space was going away and I would be 1.8 gigs over my limit at that point.  They did not have the deal like google drive that I can pay 2 dollars a month for a 100 gigs of storage but for 10 dollars a month I can get 1tb of storage.  I don't think so Dropbox.  I am keeping my pictures from my phone on there but I need to find another cloud provider.  In steps Mega, 50 gigs of free space and now I have a new cloud provider for backing up the photos on my phone.  I only had a couple of gigs of photos so it just took a couple of hours to upload from my phone but all is good for now.

Dropbox you need some lower tiers for pricing of space!  Just saying

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