Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day was a little better

I had my Mid Year Review today and it went okay.  Now I can start my savings for Christmas.  The one thing I want this year I can't buy and probably will not get but hopefully I will come to accept this and move on.  My life is changing and I am interest to see what is in store this year.😯

Monday, June 27, 2016

One down one to go

Well the buzzards cleaned up the small dog yesterday but the big one the bushes.  I spoke with the owner and they don't want to come and get it but if the buzzards don't finish it off in a couple of days they will get some friends to come down and get the remains.  I will keep them to it.

Why me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Buzzards are back

Well the 2 dead dogs in my yard are being taken care of by the buzzards again.  I will still have to go out at some point and get rid of the remains but I need to contact the owners of the dogs to see if they will do the right thing and do it themselves.  I will check on them later today and call animal control first thing in the morning.  I would post pictures but that is just wrong.

Not what I expected day

Well I discovered 2 dead dog in my yard today that brought mowing to a grinding halt.  I was able to mow around them but what to do about getting them off my property?  I can't get people to pick up my garbage I pay for completely How am I going to get them to pick up 2 possible 3 dead animal items.  I will have to call animal control to see if they can come out and pick them up.
Also I went to a little party this evening and was good despite people trying to get me to be naughty.I was waiting for a certain someone to show up and they didn't but that is okay.  They know they will have to pay for that one.
Crap, I think I may have a cold now.  
No bueno! 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Worst week ever

Where do I start there were so many things that went wrong this week not sure how to begin.  Okay here are the highlights
I had to get ready several deployments that still are not ready yet.
I had to try and do an inventory of one of the systems for a upcoming project
I had to get several hundred pieces of equipment ready for shipment
I had to replace several hundred pieces of equipment
I had an over the night meeting and got sick from something I ate.  It was so good though!
I had a meeting I had to cancel due to the over night meeting
And the only thing I have to show for the whole thing is that 2 items I will be able to deliver on by next week possibly 3 not counting the overnight meeting which is done now😏.

I feel defeated but one thing kept me together the whole time and I have to be thankful for that blessing.😍

I had a lot of time to reflect while I was asleep today even though it was only for 3 hours but I have to make a change in my life.  I am letting circumstances dictate my fate and they are leading me to make wrong decisions.

Some times change is bad but sometime it is good.  I will hope for the good.

Okay back to work now!😁

Monday, June 20, 2016

Work is tough!

Well today was a interesting day.  Another day that I was almost at my breaking point.  Offers of help keep me from going over the edge but the work keeps piling up.  I have something that keeps my mind occupy but even with those good thought it is hard.  I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel but it is hard some days.  This week is going to be a bear.

I have to pray for strength 😃

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dad's Birthday Again

Well is has been almost 4 years since my dad passed away and the 15th was his birthday.  I try to do something special for his and my mother's birthday but this year I was not able to for either.  Not sure why the day gets so crazy on their birthday but I think I will have to start taking them off to ensure I can take time to reflect on those days.  Live and learn!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Monday, June 13, 2016

New phone lots of work

This new phone is a lot of work to configure.  I am liking the battery life so far.  I am getting 2 days with moderate use.  I did notices that half of my battery usages is snapchat.  I wonder why that is the case.  Um!!!!!!!!!  😍

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Yard cleared good, More to mow bad!

Well someone from work came over and for a few dollars cleared a section of my yard that has been in weeds and vines since I moved here.  Now I have more to mow.  Not sure how I feel about this situation.  Time will tell!




Monday, June 06, 2016

Day 7

Well I was a bad boy and missed the last two days but did get my stuff done this morning.  Next weekend I will do better!

Friday, June 03, 2016

Day 4

Going okay so far.  Definitely starting to feel it in the torso region.  I need to start getting up earlier in the morning.  I will start that tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016


I guess pain is a good thing if felt in the places being worked.  This is going to be a while.