Friday, June 24, 2016

Worst week ever

Where do I start there were so many things that went wrong this week not sure how to begin.  Okay here are the highlights
I had to get ready several deployments that still are not ready yet.
I had to try and do an inventory of one of the systems for a upcoming project
I had to get several hundred pieces of equipment ready for shipment
I had to replace several hundred pieces of equipment
I had an over the night meeting and got sick from something I ate.  It was so good though!
I had a meeting I had to cancel due to the over night meeting
And the only thing I have to show for the whole thing is that 2 items I will be able to deliver on by next week possibly 3 not counting the overnight meeting which is done now😏.

I feel defeated but one thing kept me together the whole time and I have to be thankful for that blessing.😍

I had a lot of time to reflect while I was asleep today even though it was only for 3 hours but I have to make a change in my life.  I am letting circumstances dictate my fate and they are leading me to make wrong decisions.

Some times change is bad but sometime it is good.  I will hope for the good.

Okay back to work now!😁

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