Tuesday, February 04, 2020

2020 What's new!

It has been a couple of years since my last post but here goes it.

I have been trying to get up to date with new tech..I had bought a powerline adapter kit for my network connection for my bedroom.   I have had these for the last 3 years but never broke them out of the box until a couple of days ago.  Wow, I am kicking my self in the butt for not setting these up sooner.  It was plug and play (no clicking of the pairing button or anything).  This thing is amazing!  I have my android box plugged into it(not happy with the android box, it is a vulnerability vector waiting to bit me in the butt) and it work okay with Youtube and PlutoTV.  I need to by one more pair of them to get the livingroom and kitchen setup but not sure about the throughput since the more you have plugged in the less throughput for them overall.

More to come!

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