Thursday, May 30, 2024


It has come to my attention that I need to post more on this blog.  I know over the past several years I have been really bad at doing that which I blamed primarily on my job which I don't have anymore.  so I don't have an excuse now.  It was also brought to my attention that I can use this as a forum for posting my achievements while I work to get a new job so here we go!

Day 1

Finished by install of AdGuard Home and still working out the settings.  I did notice that it is bad at blocking Google ads even when you put the url source for the ad.  Weird

I refuse to believe I have to block the entire google domain to resolve this issue.  I will now just start noting the sites with Google ads I am having the issue with and circle back on this at a later date.

Now I need to work on getting my install of Home Assistant done.  Hopefully by end of day Friday.

Then next week I work on getting Windows Server 2019 setup and learning that from the ground up!

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