Friday, March 07, 2025

Tired today

Wow, I am tired today.  woke up late this morning for the first time in a couple of months but it is what it is, I guess.  I have a lot to do today.  Playing around with docker desktop on my windows10 system.  It has been a while since I have used it but it is coming back to me now.  I need to also work on my proxmox box and get some containers spun up on it.  I have windows10 and ubuntu but want to get windows server 2022 and windows server 2025 installed.  Need to work on the CISO Assistant install after watching the demo by the engineer Abder today.  I will need to probably watch his video a couple more times to see if the "ah ha" moment hits me, lol!  He brain dumped a lot this morning and I don't want to just memorize it I want to understand it too!  will I get it done this weekend, probably not but I have a 2-week cutoff date for getting it installed and being able to work in it.  Sometimes knowledge hurts my brain, lol!

Happy Friday 🙂!

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