Saturday, July 30, 2016


I almost pouched my corporate laptop this evening.  It bluescreen and would not boot back into windows.  Well after a couple of reboots it is working now.  I will have to back up my documents and get ready to reinstall Windows.  I needed to do it for a while but held off on it.  Now I am thinking that this glitch was a sign for me to get this done. 


Friday, July 29, 2016

Surprise Party

I had a surprise party for IT day and this was one of the time I was really surprised.  Helps to take my mind off of other things.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Jury Duty

Well the first day of jury duty went kind of okay.  I was worried about other things that later in the day resolved them selves but I think this jury duty thing is going to be a learning experience for me.  We only have to meet once a month for the next 6 months.  I can work that and the job is okay with me being off those days..

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Salesmen Bad

From this point on I will never let a salesmen in my house again.  They can't take no for an answer.  I am done with them.  I just spent 3 hours saying no, no and no again but all they heard was I liked the device.  I need to breath and calm down.



After a involuntary power nap later this evening I am still up but getting ready to go to sleep.  I was able to get my exercising in but it was hard.

Good Night to me!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Power Nap

Even though I woke up late this morning I am tired now.  I need a power nap or to go to sleep before 12am.  As long as I get my dinner, exercises and nightly note sent off I can go to sleep anytime and probably will tonight.  Here's to pleasant dreams.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Ice Cream Day

I had a shake for lunch and thought that was unusual until I found out it is Ice Cream Day.  What a coincidence! 

Frontdoor Done

My front door area was looking pretty bad up until today.  I don't use the front door at all since I park in the garage and come in the house through the garage door. Now it is cleaned down and ready for visitors.  It will stay that way too!​​

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Done for the day

Got a large majority of the outside work done.  So I don't have that much to do tomorrow.  Lunch with my friends went okay but it was kind of long LOL.  I like talking to them so it did not seem that long really.  I got my nightly note sent off and now I have to call my sister back.  I might go for a drive to clear my head but I have not decided yet.  I still have my tech stuff to download this evening.  Oh well

Now to get dinner.  I might do a pot pie this evening and resist the urge to go to McDonald's considering I weighed myself today and it looks like I lost 10 pounds.  I am now at 260.  I want to get to 240 but if I can get to 250 in the next month I will be okay.  At least I will be able to fit into my old pants again.  I need to get a treadmill I think.  I will have to think about it the next week or so.  For now mowing my yard is plenty of walking for me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Another Power Nap

Just woke up from another power nap before bedtime but I will need to go to sleep at a decent hour.  Now I need to eat and relax and rerun my show again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Power Nap

After another power nap I might be up a while.

Oh well

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Made it back alive

It is raining in Tyler by nothing in Jacksonville.  I thought it would be pouring here like it was in Tyler.  Well I was able to get my stuff and did not get drowse at all driving there and back.  That hour pour nap did the trick because I was think I was going to need a lot more considering how sleep I was at that point.

Now I need to finish watching my show and go asleep.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Don't want to go to Tyler

Took a nap a little while ago but still can't seem to get motivated to go to Tyler. Okay, I am going to slap myself a couple more times and get off my butt and go.  I need to do this now!

Crap I probably won't be back until 2am.  Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Yard is almost done

Well I have two thirds of it done and will finish the reset tomorrow.  I can't find my shovel.  The neighbors may probably have it but I need to check.  The neighbors down the street did not get their dead dog out of my yard but I am not in the right mental state to go down and talk to them.  I need to be at peace first and I am not there yet.  Maybe in a couple I can go down there and address the issue with them again.  They are some special type of people to do something so crappy.  If I was a bad person I would go and tell their son the dog is dead and in my yard but I won't stoop to their level.  I need to go to Walmart for a shovel and a couple of other thing but I will wait until tonight.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Ninja Turtles Movie

Not a bad movie and I definitely need the distraction this evening.  Now what to do!  I will watch what makes me happy because I can use some of that about now.  Maybe even another movie.


I forgot my shows at work and have to go back and get them.  I need to get my head out of the clouds.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Can't sleep

Woke up at 2am and could not go back to sleep.  Trying to be productive and get some house cleaning done.  I am starting to get sleepy again but need another 20 minutes to finish up a couple of things.  I am going to be a hurting unit in the morning.

At least it was not a bad dream but I do feel uneasy.  Oh well I must forge forward.

Good Night/Morning

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Long Day

It was definitely a long day.  Full of meetings and still did not get everything done.  Hopefully tomorrow is better.

I definitely had happy thoughts today

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Back Pains

Well my back was a lot better today and I was able to function at work okay.  It will be an interesting day tomorrow but I am aware of what has to be done.  I am taking it to the house baby! LOL

Hello Tuesday

Ok,I had a  nightmare lastnight that kept me up a while but I was able to get back to sleep after facing what caused it.  I however woke up later than planned but that is okay.  I will make the best of it.  Here is to new beginnings!


Sunday, July 03, 2016

Yard is done

Well I finished the yard this evening.

I also watched Independence Day 2 and it was okay but strange.

Now I think I will try and drive to tyler this evening and get some French Toast from Walmart.  A drive to clear my head is in order.  Why does life have to be so confusing and complicated!


Okay I lied

I do have more yard work.  I have to bury a dead bird outside my office window.  Every year I have one of those to get rid of that way.  I might have to leave the Christmas lights going in that window during the day so it deters them from crashing into it.  I also have to mow the back of my yard.

My yard is a work in progress and I am taking baby steps to get it in working order.  I spend so much time at work that I have neglected it and it shows.  Well no more starting Tuesday it is all about me.  I need to better organize my life and stop letting things spiral out of control.  I will have my cake and eat it too!  LOL

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Eventful day

Well I was able to get the yard work done today.  I had to talk to the neighbor that has the dead dog in my yard and let them know they have to come and get him.  I have been very understanding up to this point but that dog smells bad at certain times of the day.  I did not check when I got home this evening but I will check in the morning since he said he would come and get it this evening.  I think I am going to have and talk with them again tomorrow.  My other neighbor said this is not the first time this has happened with them and a dead dog.  With everything going on in my life I was very calm when I went down and spoke to the boyfriend.  I did not feel frustrated thank goodness.

Just got through talking to my sister.  Her birthday was yesterday and I tried calling her lastnight but was not able to get her on the phone.  Spoke for a couple of hours today and now it is time to eat and watch a movie.

Friday, July 01, 2016

I am going to be late this morning

Just starting my exercising now and I still have to shower and shave.  One of those two I will have to skip this morning LOL.  Hard to get motivated to go in today but I must move on.