Saturday, July 16, 2016

Done for the day

Got a large majority of the outside work done.  So I don't have that much to do tomorrow.  Lunch with my friends went okay but it was kind of long LOL.  I like talking to them so it did not seem that long really.  I got my nightly note sent off and now I have to call my sister back.  I might go for a drive to clear my head but I have not decided yet.  I still have my tech stuff to download this evening.  Oh well

Now to get dinner.  I might do a pot pie this evening and resist the urge to go to McDonald's considering I weighed myself today and it looks like I lost 10 pounds.  I am now at 260.  I want to get to 240 but if I can get to 250 in the next month I will be okay.  At least I will be able to fit into my old pants again.  I need to get a treadmill I think.  I will have to think about it the next week or so.  For now mowing my yard is plenty of walking for me.

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