Saturday, July 02, 2016

Eventful day

Well I was able to get the yard work done today.  I had to talk to the neighbor that has the dead dog in my yard and let them know they have to come and get him.  I have been very understanding up to this point but that dog smells bad at certain times of the day.  I did not check when I got home this evening but I will check in the morning since he said he would come and get it this evening.  I think I am going to have and talk with them again tomorrow.  My other neighbor said this is not the first time this has happened with them and a dead dog.  With everything going on in my life I was very calm when I went down and spoke to the boyfriend.  I did not feel frustrated thank goodness.

Just got through talking to my sister.  Her birthday was yesterday and I tried calling her lastnight but was not able to get her on the phone.  Spoke for a couple of hours today and now it is time to eat and watch a movie.

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