Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Week

Well, it has been another week unemployed and studying for that well-paying job.
I have been doing a lot with DNS setup, tailscale app connector setup and kasm setup.
Not sure if I will ever go with the tailscale app connector solution, not really seeing a use case for my environment but will try to setup if I get a desktop support job at my new place of business.
I need to work on getting Kasm setup but I need to replace the rotating drive in my server with a ssd which i had been planning to do anyway but Kasm runs better on a ssd.  I might try doing it this weekend but it is still up in the air.
I think I will spend the next couple of days watching youtube videos on networking, powershell and SIEM setup.
Here's to next week being more productive, lol!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, adguard is really kicking my but with things like Facebook but I am learning the nuisances of troubleshooting it.

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