Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, Monday

Well the week is starting off rocky!  Unable to get my print server setup in ubuntu core spend several hours trying to get it to work and no bueno.  something with the spooler but not sur what, I have checked the cupsd.conf file and well lol.  I am going to have and shelf that for now and work on a workaround for my printing over the network.  I need to rebuild my Proxmox instances this week due to not being able to upgrade it to the newest version.  Tried everything I know, and it is a no go.  I need to do it anyway.  I need to upgrade the ram and the hard drives in that box and well lol!  I did however get samba working.  It will make it easier to get files moved over to the server without using a thumbdrive.  I might get FTP setup on that box too.  Everything is behind a firewall so let's give it a go!

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