Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Week

Well, it has been another week unemployed and studying for that well-paying job.
I have been doing a lot with DNS setup, tailscale app connector setup and kasm setup.
Not sure if I will ever go with the tailscale app connector solution, not really seeing a use case for my environment but will try to setup if I get a desktop support job at my new place of business.
I need to work on getting Kasm setup but I need to replace the rotating drive in my server with a ssd which i had been planning to do anyway but Kasm runs better on a ssd.  I might try doing it this weekend but it is still up in the air.
I think I will spend the next couple of days watching youtube videos on networking, powershell and SIEM setup.
Here's to next week being more productive, lol!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, adguard is really kicking my but with things like Facebook but I am learning the nuisances of troubleshooting it.

Business Internet vs Home Internet: What's the Difference?

I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Business Internet vs Home Internet: What's the Difference? -

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Nothing new

Well I have been working on and off the last couple of days.  Reading and watching videos on security and networking.  Learned a lot about Twingate more than I cared to know lol.  Fixed my permission issue with a samba share on my server.  I need to get home assistant installed and setup soon.  Maybe by Friday, who knows!

Friday, June 14, 2024

It's Friday!!!!!!

Well, it is Friday.  I did not get a lot done this week due to personal issues.  I had to find a contractor for fixing a hole in my roof which they will do tomorrow.  I actually took a nap today which I have not done in a long time.  Looks like I will have to get some studying done tomorrow along with some outside work.  I will probably play with my ubuntu laptop and get all my tools installed.  I will have to hit the ground running on Monday.  Hopefully the issue with my laptop internet will work itself out.  Only affecting onedrive but I need to be able to save to onedrive.  Right now I am working with just going wireless and everything appears to be working.  Weird the hardline connection would be the issue but oh well.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

One more day!!!!!!!

Well I was able to get Portainer installed and setup on my server.  It was not as hard I I thought it was going to be which is a good thing I think lol!  I was also able to figure out the boot issue with my "Use for ethical hacking only" laptop.  Apparently, there was an issue with the kernel which was resolved when I reverted to the old kernel.  I spent a lot of hours on that one too lol!

Laptop: Dell Inspiron 14-3452

It will let me install Ubuntu on it and that is it.  No Parrot, no Kali just Ubuntu or Windows10.
Oh well

Also was able to get a little further with the printer issue.  Look, I have a lot of stuff running on my ore i3 processor box with 16 gigs of ram but that was not the problem.  It definitely looks like a configuration issue with the cupsd.conf file.  right not it is browsable on the network and I was able to bring up the cups admin console remotely from my laptop.  I think I will stop there for the say.  Youtube gets the points while google not so much.  2 YouTube videos and I got farther today due to something that makes no sense but it works
There is a difference between Listen localport:631 and Port 631 wow!  Oh and Port 631 is the right syntax.  I am making a note to backup my cupsd.conf and smb.conf when I get the printing working.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Another Wednesday

Well, I got to play with Twingate and Tailscale yesterday and I like what I have seen so far.  Both allow me access to local resources when I am out and about without running a conventional vpn.  Granted the use cases I would use them for I could do using Nextcloud.  I will have to see what happens after a get Home Assistant installed and configured to test how seamless it will work with remote access to that system.  I need to get Home Assistant and Portainer installed in my homelab this week.
I am so glad in some morbid I chose to go with Ubuntu Server Core instead of using the GUI.  Learning so much being forced to use the command line to install and setup things.  It is a pain in the rearend but necessary.  I think I am about 50% with getting my homelab somewhat done lol.
Oh well!!!!!!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, Monday

Well the week is starting off rocky!  Unable to get my print server setup in ubuntu core spend several hours trying to get it to work and no bueno.  something with the spooler but not sur what, I have checked the cupsd.conf file and well lol.  I am going to have and shelf that for now and work on a workaround for my printing over the network.  I need to rebuild my Proxmox instances this week due to not being able to upgrade it to the newest version.  Tried everything I know, and it is a no go.  I need to do it anyway.  I need to upgrade the ram and the hard drives in that box and well lol!  I did however get samba working.  It will make it easier to get files moved over to the server without using a thumbdrive.  I might get FTP setup on that box too.  Everything is behind a firewall so let's give it a go!

Thursday, June 06, 2024

AdGuard F.Y.I.


I had been having an issue with my Google Nest device the last couple of days that I thought was an issue with the power going out in my house several times in the last 10 days but no, it was AdGuard that was causing the problem.
Take note that is required to be unblocked for that device to work properly.  Hopefully I have fixed the issue.

Live and learn lol!

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Well, it is Wednesday, and I am almost done for the week.  I was not able to get Nessus installed but I did get Crowdsec setup and running on a couple of devices in my environment.
Still working on my AdGuard Home setup as well as the Twingate setup.  AdGuard has sped up my internet browsing alot but still needs more tweaking . So many tools and so little time lol!

Monday, June 03, 2024

Happy Monday


Today I think I will try and get a SIEM setup again in my homelab.  Need to decide between Wazuh of Nessus.  Here we go!

Friday, May 31, 2024


Well I did not get a lot done the last couple of days.  Storms in Texas causing power outages all over.  I did, however, get my resume done and worked on my profiles for other online sites.  Not as productive as I wanted but I will take what I can get for now.

Now I will spend the rest of the day watching vidoes on wireshark and nmap.  Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024


I have been working on this blogger site for 90 minutes now and can't quite figure out why my post's are displaying weird.  I try to change the settings on the blogger site but still the same thing.  I think I have a workaround for this which I am trying now.  worked on the previous post lol.


It has come to my attention that I need to post more on this blog.  I know over the past several years I have been really bad at doing that which I blamed primarily on my job which I don't have anymore.  so I don't have an excuse now.  It was also brought to my attention that I can use this as a forum for posting my achievements while I work to get a new job so here we go!

Day 1

Finished by install of AdGuard Home and still working out the settings.  I did notice that it is bad at blocking Google ads even when you put the url source for the ad.  Weird

I refuse to believe I have to block the entire google domain to resolve this issue.  I will now just start noting the sites with Google ads I am having the issue with and circle back on this at a later date.

Now I need to work on getting my install of Home Assistant done.  Hopefully by end of day Friday.

Then next week I work on getting Windows Server 2019 setup and learning that from the ground up!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

First Day Back

Well it has been a while, and a lot has changed for me.  More to come later lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!